An Act Relative to Toxic Free Kids

An Act Relative to Toxic Free Kids, S.2564

Sponsored by Senator Cindy Friedman and Representative James Hawkins

Chemicals that cause cancer, harm brain development, and disrupt hormones should not be in products specifically designed and sold for children! Harmful substances, including PFAS, are in children’s toys, clothing, school supplies, shampoos, lotions, and more. This bill:

  • Bans PFAS in children’s products and requires manufacturers to disclose other toxic chemicals added to children’s products;
  • Creates a state process for banning additional toxic chemicals in items made and marketed to children 12 and under.

* Content from Clean Water Action

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If you would like to view the letter that will be sent, it is located at the bottom of this page.

Below is the suggested letter in support of “An Act Relative to Toxic Free Kids“; you can use this letter, or create your own, to urge your legislator to take action!

“Dear Honorable Representative/Senator,

If you have not already signed on, I write to you today to request your support for An Act Relative to Toxic Free Kids, S.2564, sponsored by Senator Cindy Friedman and Representative James Hawkins.

Several chemicals of concern, including PFAS, are used in products specifically designed for children. PFAS are “forever chemicals” because they persist in the environment, and some can accumulate in our bodies for years. Our continued manufacturing, use, and disposal of products with PFAS threatens the health of our children and future generations.

Exposure to PFAS can increase the risk of several cancers, disrupt hormones, and harm brain development in children. Some of these effects can occur at very low levels of exposure.

Senator Friedman and Representative Hawkins’s bills will help do the following:

  • ban PFAS in children’s products;
  • require manufacturers to disclose other toxic chemicals added to children’s products; and
  • establish a process in Massachusetts for banning other toxic chemicals in items that are made and marketed to children 12 and under.

The power to protect the health of Massachusetts children from the ill-effects of PFAS is in your hands. With each passing day, more and more damage from PFAS is taking place. Please support these bills and urge your colleagues to do the same.
