Team MBCC is participating in the 53rd ASICS Falmouth Road Race on August 17th, 2025 – MBCC’s 11th year participating!
The Falmouth Road Race offers MBCC the opportunity to galvanize runners and supporters to fundraise for the mission of preventing cancer before it starts. The funds raised will help to support and expand MBCC’s community education program Let’s Talk Prevention: Reducing Toxic Exposures, MBCC Webinar Series, and the newly expanded student environmental health program, Let’s Talk Prevention: Actions You Can Take.
If you are interested in joining the MBCC team, please let MBCC know as soon as possible by emailing with the subject line “Falmouth Road Race.” This year, the fundraising minimum will be $1,275.
Thanks to all of our past runners and supporters, we have been able to continue advancing our mission to prevent the environmental causes of breast cancer.