
We are different from other breast cancer organizations.  We believe that to eradicate breast cancer we must prevent it. Although early detection in the form of self-breast exams and mammography are also important, MBCC seeks to find the causes of breast cancer, so that we can stop it before it starts.

Mission Statement

Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition is dedicated to preventing environmental causes of breast cancer through community education, research advocacy, and changes to public policy.


  • Create the public and political will to eradicate breast cancer
  • Focus on environmental links to breast cancer that will lead to primary prevention of breast cancer.
  • Reject the concept of breast cancer as a chronic disease.
  • Dispel myths and misconceptions about the realities of the breast cancer epidemic.
  • Challenge the commercialization of breast cancer and the use of pink ribbon products as the solution to the breast cancer epidemic.
  • Contribute to a broader scientific understanding of the sources of PFAS exposure and potential health effects in both adults and children, through our role as a community partner on three federally-funded research studies.

MBCC was founded in 1991 by women concerned with the lack of attention to breast cancer.  Thanks to the overwhelming response to our call to action, Massachusetts became the first state to declare breast cancer an epidemic, we founded Silent Spring Institute to investigate the link between breast cancer and the environment, and now we are the state’s leading breast cancer organization.

At MBCC, we believe that prevention should be a primary focus in order to eradicate the disease. Unfortunately, the cancer industry emphasizes early detection, treatment, and finding a cure — at the expense of prevention.

We aim to fill the gap between the proactive and reactive approaches and engender the necessary changes that will give future generations a world without the emotional trauma of a breast cancer diagnosis and the subsequent painful treatment regimens.

MBCC challenges the exploitation of breast cancer by corporations that reap enormous profits from the disease and those whose products have carcinogens linked to breast cancer.  MBCC advocates for increased resources to investigate environmental links to breast cancer that are present as a result of the carcinogens found in our air, water, soil, food, and consumer products in our homes and workplaces every day.

MBCC is proud to lead a diverse coalition of members to reach this goal: formal organizational alliances, event sponsors, volunteers, those with a history of breast cancer, and all those who support breast cancer prevention. The members of our coalition make a huge difference toward our goal of creating the public and political will to eradicate breast cancer. In fact, our members make our advocacy efforts a success!

We have won significant victories in our decades of operation, but there is still much work to do. Please join us in our work to eradicate breast cancer once and for all. We are dedicated to ending this epidemic!

Financial Information

MBCC is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Please find below our federal 990 tax returns for the three most recent completed fiscal years.