Take Action

Submit Complaints about NSTAR/Eversource Rights-of-Way Spraying Now

Submitted by Sue Phelan, info@GreenCAPE.org  The Attorney General’s Office reports that there are few complaints/objections filed with MDAR related to the NSTAR/Eversource herbicide spraying this year. Complaints are necessary for the AG to investigate the spraying. They require documentation. Send your objections and report any questionable spraying activity you see. Ask the Attorney General’s Office to investigate MDAR (the … Read more

Letters to the Editor Make a Difference

The Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC) always appreciates when one of our supporters writes to their local news editor. We hope that all of our supporters will take the opportunity to get the word out to their respective communities about the importance of increased attention to environmental causation and prevention of breast cancer. Thank you to … Read more

Comment Against NSTAR Spraying on Cape Cod

The comment period on NSTAR’s plan to spray chemical herbicides on Cape Cod ends today [2/18]! Send your comment via email today to: Commissioner Greg Watson (MA Department of Agricultural Resources) Greg.Watson@state.ma.us  and  Michael McClean (Director of Rights-of-Way Programs at the MA State Pesticide Bureau) Michael.McClean@state.ma.us  CLICK THE LETTER BELOW TO VIEW ONE OF MBCC’S … Read more

End the Epidemic this Holiday Season

Those first flurries of snow do not discriminate who they touch, and sadly neither does breast cancer. Click this image to read a touching request from MBCC Treasurer, Gerry Swift who lost his wife of 25 years to breast cancer.