An Act Protecting our Soil and Farms from PFAS Contamination

An Act Protecting our Soil and Farms from PFAS Contamination, SD.2176 and HD.3814

Sponsored by Senator Jo Comerford and Representative Arena-DeRosa

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of over 14,000 chemicals that are widely used in industrial processes and consumer products. Exposures to these chemicals at low levels have been linked to increased risk for several cancers, metabolic disorders, hormone disruption, and reproductive and neurodevelopmental harm.

After being released down drains from industrial, commercial, and residential uses, these chemicals enter wastewater treatment facilities and end up in biosolids, or sewage sludge. Sludge that is land-applied to soil as fertilizer can be contaminated with PFAS, which is a problem because PFAS are highly persistent in the environment.

An Act Protecting Our Soil and Farms from PFAS Contamination will stop land application of PFAS-containing sludge in Massachusetts, which will reduce environmental contamination with these toxic chemicals.

This bill:

  • Bans land application of sludge that contains PFAS in Massachusetts
  • Establishes an Agricultural PFAS Relief Fund to support farmers in Massachusetts who incur costs from PFAS contamination on their agricultural land

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Below is the suggested letter in support of “An Act Protecting our Soil and Farms from PFAS Contamination“; you can use this letter, or create your own, to urge your legislator to take action!

“Dear Honorable Representative/Senator,

If you have not already signed on, I write to you today to request your support for An Act Protecting our Soil and Farms from PFAS Contamination, SD2176 and HD3814, sponsored by Senator Jo Comerford and Representative James Arena-DeRosa.

PFAS are called “forever chemicals” because they persist in the environment, and some can accumulate in our bodies for years. Our continued land application of sludge that contains PFAS threatens the health of our environment and residents across Massachusetts.

Exposures to PFAS can increase the risk of several cancers, liver disease, immunosuppression, endocrine disruption, high cholesterol, asthma, reproductive harm, and neurological problems. Some of these effects can occur at very low levels of exposure.

Senator Comerford and Representative Arena-DeRosa’s bills will help do the following:

  • Ban land application of sludge that contains PFAS in Massachusetts
  • Establish a trust fund to support Massachusetts farmers who suffer losses or incur costs from PFAS contamination on their land
  • Protect our Massachusetts agricultural land from lasting PFAS contamination.

The power to protect the health of Massachusetts constituents from the ill-effects of PFAS is in your hands. With each passing day, more and more exposures to PFAS occur, and more damage can take place.

Please cosponsor these bills and urge your colleagues to do the same.
