Sarah Colvin is the host of CodComm’s “Inside Cape Cod.” “I am so pleased to serve as the Team Leader for the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition Falmouth Road Race Team,” says Colvin, “I encourage everyone to join our Falmouth Road Race team. This will not only be an incredible day running a beautiful and challenging course, it will also help make a difference in our community. We ask for your support to help ensure a future free of breast cancer.” Cheryl Osimo, MBCC Executive Director, says “We appreciate that Sarah is supporting Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition’s goal towards breast cancer prevention.”
The New Balance Falmouth Road Race, to be held on Sunday, August 21st, is a point-to-point race beginning in Woods Hole and ending in Falmouth Heights. All funds raised by MBCC’s Road Race Team will support the state’s leading breast cancer organization to understand the causes of breast cancer in order to find ways to prevent the disease. This will be MBCC’s second year participating in this historic race.
If you are interested in being a member of the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition Falmouth Road Race Team, please visit https://mbcc.org/falmouth.