Detox Me Action Kit

Top 10 Benefits of the Detox Me Action Kit

10. Knowledge is power. Finding out what potentially harmful chemicals are in your body is the first step in eliminating them.

9. You can join the ranks of celebrities like Morgan Spurlock and Chelsea Handler who have been tested.

8. You don’t have to get tested yourself to support the study. Nothing says “Happy Holidays” quite like a gift set of urine collection jars.

7. You can identify sources of chemical exposure affecting everyone in your house, not just you!

6. Along with your results, you’ll get specific steps you can take to reduce your chemical levels.

5. Getting tested will help us better understand the connection between environmental toxics and breast cancer and other diseases.

4. Free swag! Everyone who supports the study gets a fun surprise in the mail.

3. Data from this study will be used to advocate for better protections, hold manufacturers accountable, and demand safer products.

2. Who doesn’t love the delicate act of peeing in a cup?

1. Some say this could be the next human genome project! Supporting this historic study will help create a safer, toxic free world.

Click here to sign up today! You’ll be sent to an Indiegogo webpage, our crowdsourcing partner for this study, where you choose how you want to participate.

You can also support this historic project by clicking here and making a year-end donation to Silent Spring Institute.

 If you have any questions, concerns, or would rather not use Indiegogo to sign up, please email Silent Spring at and we’ll get right back to you!