Jared Woods

Audre Lorde Cancer Awareness Brunch – October 27

This event is a celebration for women whose lives have been affected by cancer and their supporters. We gather together to connect with old and new sisters; to learn about cancer-related issues facing women; and to nourish our bodies, minds, and spirits. This year’s theme is “Sharing Stories to Build Community: Nurturing the creative parts … Read more

“A Chemical Reaction” – Film Screening

On Tuesday April 24th, the film, “A Chemical Reaction” will be shown at the First Parish in Needham. This film is the story of a small town in Canada that won the right to ban toxic lawn pesticides and the court case that went all the way to the Supreme Court in Canada. After the … Read more

2012 Strategic Campaigns

This year the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition is launching new campaigns towards our mission of breast cancer prevention. We know that early detection is not enough to stop this epidemic and are continually evaluating new, innovative strategies that will further prioritize and make progress towards true disease prevention. Below is our 4-part plan for 2012. Medical Community … Read more

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Silent Spring on Hidden Toxins

Consumer Products Contain Potentially Harmful Chemicals Not Listed on Labels Health conscious consumers often pore over product labels trying to avoid certain ingredients. But those labels can be incomplete. A new Silent Spring Institute study shows that everyday products contain a wide range of potentially harmful chemicals, including many that are not listed on product … Read more