Dear Friend,
Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC), the state’s leading breast cancer nonprofit organization, is pleased to offer you the opportunity to become a Premier Sponsor for the annual statewide Against the Tide athletic fundraising events in 2022. MBCC will host two virtual events each with an 8-day participation window: Against the Tide June Virtual Event – June 11th – 18th and Against the Tide August Virtual Event – August 6th – 13th. The virtual event components include 1-mile recreational or competitive swims, ½-mile recreational swim, 5K or 10K runs, and a 3-mile walk.
Additionally, MBCC will hold two in-person events: one on June 18th at DCR’s Hopkinton State Park in Hopkinton, MA and one on August 13th at DCR’s Nickerson State Park in Brewster, MA. These events will feature 1-mile recreational or competitive swims, ½-mile recreational swim, 5K or 10K runs, 3-mile walk, and a 1-mile USMS sanctioned swim. All proceeds raised by event participants benefit MBCC.
Your sponsorship will help to support and expand MBCC’s community education and outreach programs throughout Massachusetts in an effort to reduce every family’s exposure to chemicals of concern. You can help stop the epidemic of breast cancer and change the legacy of this disease for future generations.
As a Premier Sponsor, you will be afforded the range of benefits corresponding to your level of support. These benefits are detailed on the attached Sponsorship Tiers. I hope to speak with you on the phone to discuss some ideas I have regarding a partnership that would benefit us both.
With warm regards,

Cheryl Osimo
Executive Director