Dear Friend,

Our daughter, Ann (“Annie”), died March 28, 2015, at the age of 46. Her 16-year battle with cancer was courageous and inspirational to all who knew her. When she was just 30 years of age, she discovered a small lump under her arm while showering. There was no family history of breast cancer and she was too young to have a mammogram for screening. We were devastated to learn it was breast cancer.
The following year was one that involved three surgeries, chemotherapy radiation, and a lot of emotional ups and downs. After seven years on cancer drugs, monthly appointments, scans and various treatments, the cancer returned on her sternum. It was another “blow” for all of us as Ann had been working hard to be healthy and take all the right steps to fight her illness. Four years later, the cancer was identified in various sites in the torso. Finally, the cancer metastasized to the liver. Those sixteen years were stressful for Ann and for everyone who loved her.
Ann never let the cancer define who she was. She tried to live life to the fullest and she wanted her life to have meaning, to make a difference, and to help others. We know she would be so proud that we are involved with Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC). MBCC believes that prevention should be the key focus to fighting breast cancer. When Cheryl Osimo, Executive Director, asked if I would be a Walk Leader for the “Against the Tide” event on August 19th, 2017, I knew it was meant to be. It was an honor to be involved, and I walked proudly for Ann with all of the other parents, spouses, partners, children, siblings, friends, and individuals who have been touched by breast cancer.
Your donation to support MBCC will support their dedicated work to prevent breast cancer through community education, research advocacy, and changes to public policy on reducing exposure to chemicals found in our modern lives that increase risk, and make a difference in the lives of our neighbors, friends, and family.
It is a pleasure to be involved with such a wonderful organization and it is such a positive way for us to honor Ann’s memory. If your family is like ours, missing someone who lived life with integrity, courage, and hope, or is battling breast cancer, then please consider making a donation in honor and/or memory of a loved one. Please make it possible for MBCC to continue their work of education and advocacy for prevention.
Thank you very, very much for your support.