To my son,
I have loved you from your first breath. You are my sunshine. Since the moment I knew I was pregnant, I dreamed about you. I hoped you would have your father’s eyes and his sense of humor. I hoped you would have my nose and love of reading. I hoped I would be able to show you the world, while protecting you from it. I hoped that we could pass on our family traditions to you, without passing on our family history of breast cancer.
You are my whole world and there isn’t a thing that I wouldn’t do to keep you safe, to keep you happy, or to make you feel loved. To me, the world does not exist if we are both not in it together.
I will love you until the end of time, and then some.
Dear Supporter,
I urge you to consider donating to Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC) this October.
While millions of dollars are spent every year on early detection and treatments for breast cancer, much less is spent on prevention. Here at MBCC, we are dedicated to preventing the environmental causes of breast cancer through community education, research, advocacy, and changes to public policy because we strongly believe that the best cure for breast cancer is prevention.
Through the award-winning Let’s Talk Prevention program, MBCC provides free community education brochures in eleven languages that communicate the importance of reducing exposure to common chemicals of concern and simple action steps for doing so. MBCC is also actively collaborating on three federally funded research studies involving PFAS exposure and has been a resounding voice on the importance of banning cancer-causing agents at State and Federal levels, including legislation that would ban PFAS and other toxic chemicals in children’s products.
I am proud to be affiliated with MBCC, because no matter how old our babies get, they will always be our babies. I hope you will consider making a donation to MBCC so they may grow up in a safer world, free from toxic chemicals.

Megan Khaddar
Graduate Student Intern
Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition
To donate by check, please use the following mailing address:
Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition
Post Office Box 202
Franklin, MA 02038
Additionally, MBCC welcomes stock/bond donations. Please contact Chris Swartz at mbcc.chris@gmail.com to discuss a stock/bond donation.